今天打开添加/删除程序 ,准备安装几个windows组件,结果出现下面的错误:
无法加载安装安装程序:Wbemupgd.dll,或是找不到函数0cEntry.请与您的系统管理员联系。特定错误码是0x7e于是,搜索一下,原来是path环境变量中,缺少指向System32/wbem目录的指向...OK..按照下面步骤解决我的电脑 -- 属性 -- 高级 -- 环境变量 -- 系统变量中 -- Path ,看看是否有指向 %SystemRoot% \ System32 \ 和%SystemRoot% \ System32 \ wbem 字符,如果没有把这两个字符添加进去就好了..例如:C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.2. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.3. Click Path in the System variables list, and then click Edit.4. Replace two of the paths in the Variable value box. To do this, follow these steps: a. Delete the following two paths in the Variable value box: SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem b. Type the following text in the Variable value box to replace the paths that you removed in step 4a. C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows\system32\WbemNote C is the hard disk drive where Windows is installed, and Windows is the folder where Windows is installed.